Friday, April 6, 2012

Do you ever...

Do you ever just get an itch to move away for a little bit?

Well... I do.

Which is funny, because it's never happened before. Not this much at least.

I think it'd be fun to live here:

south carolina

virginia (oh yes... I would love it here)

 the oregon coast?

lexington, kentucky 

Have you ever wanted to move away? Where have you thought about living? 


  1. Oh don't get me started. I love moving and change. If only I had the funds to up and move every year, it would be glorious!! And you get to experience so much.

  2. new york city baby! that itch hasn't left me since our first encounter.

  3. I would move in a heartbeat... Ryan would not. :( I would love to live in Colorado, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington State... I've even daydreamed about Boise!

  4. oohhh. the oregon coast sounds nice! new york owns my heart though.
