Sunday, September 2, 2012

Going to England

So... I told myself I wasn't going to blog anymore.

But I was wrong, I miss it a little bit. And I need your help!

First, I need to tell you that I am going to ENGLAND in October! I am going with my mom and sister and I can't WAIT. But, we are having a hard time deciding on all the places we want to go, and that's where you come in.

Here's our plan so far:

Stay in Bath for 2 or 3 days, visit places around there.

Stay in Wales for 2 days.

Go to London for the last 5 days of the trip.

Here's some towns and side trips we're thinking about going on:

First: Glastonbury - a town where Joseph of Arimathea is rumored to have hidden the Holy Grail and also where King Arthur is rumored to be buried?
promising so far.

Second: Chawton - where Jane Austen wrote several of her books

How quaint. 

Third: Stourhead Gardens (I'm pretty sure I NEED to go here)

lovely, isn't it?

Fourth: Wells (not Wales)

Fifth: Lacock - old village where Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter were filmed.

Sixth: Pembrokeshire Coast in Wales (pretty sure I need to go here)

Other ideas: the "Jack the Ripper" Tour in London, Canterbury, Oxford, Bath (for sure), and other places I don't remember.

Anyone have ideas or must sees?? Where would you go??


  1. I emailed my London friends for some ideas. All of those look fun! I still am going to look into the Tolkien tour and a few dance things. The dance things I can count as a visit with one of my friends. I think I am going to plan on the Saturday before I leave as a visit my friends day because they both work and go to school so that might be the best day for them. I'M STOKED!!!!

  2. oh call me and i will tell you all kinds of places and dizzy your mind. check out tintagel. and violet saw your wedding cake below and asked if i would make her one for her birthday.
