Saturday, March 6, 2010

Guess what!

I don't need a root canal!!!! I'm SOOO HAPPY!

I know what you must be thinking... It must've just been a really bad cavity... right?


In fact, Sanford couldn't find anything wrong with the tooth at all.

Most of the appointment I listened to him mumbling while looking at the x-ray about how it could be a crack in the middle of the tooth... or perhaps a sensitive nerve? But it didn't look like it was either of those.

Then he mentioned that if I put a lot of pressure on my teeth from locking my jaw or grinding my teeth that it could make my tooth hurt a lot.

I told him that I do both of those things all the time (several voice teachers have tried to make me break this habit)!

So, he adjusted the filling on my tooth so that I wasn't biting on it so hard and then prescribed me some weird tooth paste that is supposed to help it... if not then I have to call him back.

So, that is the story of my first real toothache. I hope you weren't too bored with my story, but as you can tell, I'm REALLY glad I didn't need a root canal... and let's hope that I NEVER do.

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