Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Art of Homemaking

For my Birthday, my sister sent me a book called The Art of Homemaking by Daryl V. Hoole, to give me some "extra help" becoming a domestic housewife. This book was published in 1967, and so naturally, I had to read some of it to find out how to be a good housewife. So far, I have learned a lot, here is one of the first things that Daryl says about being a good housewife:

"An ideal homemaker is lovely to look at and lovely to be around - she has a wholesome attitude and a pleasing appearance."

She explains this by saying:

"One of the most common complaints unhappy husbands have is that their wives have neglected their appearance and slop around the house with uncombed hair and in runover slippers which look like two dead rabbits."


"If you LOOK THE PART, you'll feel like DOING THE PART. And, remember, as far as make-up is concerned, 'Even a barn looks better if it's painted!'"


"Beauty is a DUTY!"

So, there you have it. I guess I need to start wearing a bit more eyeshadow during the day.

1 comment:

  1. Right you are Annie. Think hooker and your husband will love you forever!
