Monday, February 20, 2012

3 years

I am happy to say that after 3 years of marriage, I can still squeeze myself into my wedding dress if I hold my breath (something I would not have been able to do a year ago, thank you weight watchers).

Our anniversary was  last week and to celebrate, we had a photo shoot!

I'll be honest... I didn't love a lot of the pictures we got on our wedding day (some I loved), so I wanted an anniversary do over. So, Steven suited up and I dressed up. It was kind of a spur of the moment idea, so I asked my friend Abby to take some pictures for us and she did a MARVELOUS job. Abby is an aspiring photographer and once I found that out, I put her right to work. ;) Here is a sneak peak:

(we are really weird sometimes)

More to come! I can't wait to see how they all turned out. Thank you for doing this Abby! :)

By the way, tons of people walking by told us "congratulations" and things like that... it was so awkward.

Now that we have been married 3 years, here are some common conversations that I have with people:

"How long have you been married?"
"3 years."
"Wow! That's great! Do you have any kids?"

"How long have you been married?"
"3 years"
"Wow! When are you guys going to start having kids?"

"How long have you been married?"
"3 years."
"Wait as LONG as you can to have kids. It's TERRIBLE (I added that last part)."
"Ok." :)

"How long have you been married?"
"Do you have any kids?"
"How old are you?"
"Oh whoa! You are young. You can wait a while to have kids. You were 20 when you got married??!?!?! What were you thinking?!?!?! That must've been SO hard."
"ummm... I'm sorry?"

So, be prepared, if you have been married for 3 years and you don't have kids yet, people will hold you accountable.


  1. seriously though, when are you having kids? just kidding. LOVED the pictures. SUCH a good idea.

  2. Congrats on three years Annie! The time has flown. The pictures are adorable, cute idea. And... we had Caroline right after our 3rd anniversary... (But of course, I was six years older than you!) :) Hope you had a great anniversary.

  3. love the pics. you are so skinny...really. you know what makes you not skinny...having kids. just something to think over. so happy you two are married. i like you.

  4. lol...So....when are you guys having kids? huh? huh? and p.s. I have your pictures all ready!!! It's been sitting here for a few days...and I kind of forget to tell you every day.
