Monday, July 18, 2011

Cooking Adventures: Part 2

A couple of weeks ago I made a pie recipe that I've been wanting to try for a long time... and like all great recipes, it pretty much changed my life.


Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie, or Tollhouse Pie

 This is what it looks like before you bake it, it doesn't look that pretty after... but it is yummmmmy

It's pretty much a chocolate chip cookie, but in pie form. And it's almost easier than cookies because you don't have to roll a bunch of cookies for the cookie sheet!

I found the recipe from the Ivory Cookbook.. but there wasn't a picture so I didn't really understand what it was. Then I checked out Our Best Bites and saw how glorious this pie is.

It's so easy, and delicious. I already want to make it again. You should try the recipe. You won't regret it.

Coming up in cooking adventures: Cinnamon-Banana Waffles!

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm YUM! This looks amazing. I bet it tasted just as amazing, too. Mmmmmm!
