Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What would you do (post 2)...

If you were Steven?

Would you take the TA job offered by your professor? (Involves teaching 2 classes, BUT you get paid pretty well plus you get 12 hours of school credit, that's a whole semester we don't have to pay for!)


Wait to hear back about the interview he had with Deseret Book last week for the IT internship position?


Apply for other Information Systems/IT jobs that could help him get valuable experience?

Making decisions is difficult.


  1. Hmmm...I'd do option number one.. not paying for school is always a bonus, AND he would be getting experience with it! There is always time to work at a "real" job, I'd say go for the TA position, he might even learn some more valuable stuff, too! :)

  2. I'm liking the sound of the TA position too. It could get busy, but it's really not a bad deal. So many options! lol

  3. whatever pays the most and will make him happy would be the best bet!!

  4. Does the TA job have anything to do with IT/information systems? If so than he'd be getting experience, paid, and credit all at the same time! Waiting to hear from other jobs can be a risky option...

  5. i think he should follow his heart. does he want a teaching job in the future or an IT job in the future? what are his career goals?

    maybe just flip a's kinda like trying to choose a reception center :) just kidding.
