Saturday, February 5, 2011


So... I started weight watchers last week as an attempt to teach myself better eating habits. So far, it's going pretty well. My stomach hurts less, I'm not mindlessly snacking all the time, I'm starting to like plain vegetables, things are good.

But... I will admit... I am dying to eat something chocolate and sweet ALL the time. So I've been spending much of my free time checking out recipes on Martha Stewart, Pioneer Woman, etc. Since I can't eat it, I can just dream about it, right?

I kinda want some of this:

 and some of this....

and maybe a few of these....

not chocolate, but still delicious.

Why am I torturing myself? I don't know. This will get easier after a few more weeks, right?


  1. Skinny cow ice cream! When I did weight watchers, I made it through on skinny cows and 94% fat free kettle corn.

  2. Go Annie! I should join with you. Ha ha.
