Sunday, November 21, 2010

harry potter and the utes

Wow. Yesterday was a suspenseful/exciting/emotionally exhausting day. Mainly because I saw Harry Potter 7 and watched that crazy Utah game last night with Steven's parents and WOW. both kept me at the edge of my seat.

Harry Potter was ssoooo good! But I was so sad that it had to end in the middle of the story, I totally could've sat there for 2 1/2 more hours to finish. Ohhhhh it was sooo good and I can't wait for the next one. Best parts?

- Dobby, for being adorable and wonderful
- Ron, for just being Ron
- Fred and George, why are they so funny? especially at the beginning
- The intense, suspensefulness of the WHOLE thing.
- ummmm bathilda and her creepiness. This part in the book gives me nightmares and the movie made it extra creepy.

And how about those Utes making a comeback!?!? YES!

Although... is it mean of me to say that I am genuinely concerned about what will happen with BYU this weekend? I guess we'll see what happens....

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